1. Applicant completes Score Transfer process with NABP.
2. Applicant registers with NABP to take NAPLEX exam and requests scores are transferred to MA.
3. Applicant takes NAPLEX exam.
4. NAPLEX scores are received from NABP.
5. Applicant completes and submits Board Application to PCS.
5. Applicant completes and submits Board Application and required supporting documentation to PCS. Note: if a Good Moral Question on the application is answered 'yes', then applicant must complete and submit Criminal Offender Record Information Request Form.
Applicant requests that their pharmacy school complete the Verification of Graduation and send to PCS with the completed Board Application. This form is included in the application packet.
6. Applicant registers on-line with NABP for the MPJE.
7. PCS receives application and sends an updated email to candidate once the application is reviewed. Please allow time for processing.
If correct, PCS will approve to test with NABP.
If incorrect, PCS will notify applicant of any discrepancies via email.
NABP will send
Authorization to Test Notice to applicant with exam scheduling information.
9. Applicant schedules and takes MPJE.
NABP sends MPJE scores electronically to PCS.
11. PCS mails score results to examinee within 2 weeks after exam.
Non-passing examinees will receive re-registration instructions with their score results.
Passing examinees will receive their score results, information regarding their license and wall certificate option.
(MPJE must be passed within 1 year of taking NAPLEX, otherwise a new application process and fees are required.)
12. MA Board posts license number on their website when scores are mailed.
13. MA Board mails wallet-sized license to applicant within 6 weeks after scores are mailed.