2. **IMPORTANT** Applicant must register on-line with NABP for the MPJE and NAPLEX.
3. PCS receives application and sends an updated email to candidate once the application is reviewed. Please allow time for processing.
PCS will approve NABP registrations for applicants deemed eligible to test.
PCS will notify applicant of any discrepancies via email.
4. NABP will send Authorization to Test Notice to applicant with exam scheduling information.
5. Applicant schedules and takes exam(s).
6. NABP sends scores electronically to PCS.
7. PCS mails score results to examinee within 2 weeks after exam.
Non-passing examinees will receive re-registration instructions with their score results.
Passing examinees will receive their score results and information regarding their license if both exams have been passed.
(Exams must be passed within 1 year of each other.)
8. PCS emails candidate to inform them of their new licensure.
9. MA Board posts license number on their website when scores are mailed.
10. MA Board mails wallet-sized license to applicant within 6 weeks after scores are mailed.