1. Applicant contacts MA Board Reinstatement Tracking Form (RTF).
2. MA Board sends RTF to PCS.
3. After Board approval of RTF, PCS mails Board Application to applicant.
5. Register on-line with NABP for assigned exam(s).
6. PCS receives application and sends an updated email to candidate once the application is reviewed. Please allow time for processing.
If correct, PCS notifies NABP of eligibility.
If incorrect, PCS will notify applicant of any discrepancies via email.
7. NABP send Authorization to Test Notice to applicant with exam scheduling information.
8. Applicant schedules and takes examination(s).
NABP sends scores electronically to PCS.
10. PCS mails score results to examinee within 2 weeks of exam.
Non-passing examinees will receive re-registration instructions with their score results.
Passing examinees will receive their results in the mail.
11. Candidate remains in contact with the Board to meet all other requirements of Reinstatement or Board Consent Agreement.